Password Settings
Enter a security personal identification number (PIN) of four numeric digits. You must enter this PIN in order to sign consent forms in the portal.
You may change your password in this form using the 'Change Password' link. You may wish to change the initial password if your healthcare provider set this up for you.
After clicking on 'Change Password', you will be prompted to enter your current password, the new password, and verify the new password.
You will also be prompted to answer the security questions that you set up initially.
Note that your healthcare provider may have set rules for passwords including:
- Minimum number of characters
- Use of numeric characters (0-9)
- Use of some number of capital letters
- Use of non-alphanumeric characters (!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~)
Any invalid, missing, or mismatching password entries are displayed in an error message.
For more information, make sure to check out the 'Setting up your Profile' video.
*Content currently being reviewed in our pilot phase